Friday, March 14, 2008

Fort Myers, Florida '08

This was the perfect spring break vacation for all our Minnesota Twins Fans. LEEP had a group of 12 gentlemen fly to Fort Myers, Florida to partake in the Minnesota Twins Training Camp festivities. The group had a blast and went to three pre-season scrimmages as well as had the opportunity to get up close and personal with some of the Twins players. They all got autographs, photos, and souvenirs. When they weren't at the stadium, they were touring the beautiful scenery of Fort Myers and walking along the amazing beaches. They ate at well known restaurants such as Joe's Crab Shack, did some shopping downtown and toured the Fort Myers Historical Museum. They also went on a boat cruise and saw numerous dolphins that were so close, they felt like they could touch them. Everyone had a blast and said it was a great "guys get-away".