Friday, January 7, 2011

Montego Bay, Jamaica

When we arrived at LEEP on the cold and snowy morning of January 3rd, our group was MORE than happy to headed to the tropical paradise known as Jamaica! On our little getaway we got to see and do so many fun things!!              
Our resort was right on the ocean and our group couldn't get enough of the beautiful water. It was very peaceful to just sit and enjoy the scenery.

Our first night at our resort

The first day of our trip was pretty low key with a trip to a nice mall where we got a lot of shopping done! We found lots of very unique things and everyone was pretty satisfied with their buys. On the following day we took a nice road trip through the countryside on the way to Bob Marley's birthplace. We got to see fields of sugarcane in all stages of growth, bauxite mines, the ocean and so much more. Jamaica is beautiful!

On our last day in Jamaica, we made the best of it! We hopped on the charter bus that took us to Ochos Rios, Jamaica where we were able to hitch a ride up "Mystic Mountain" on a ski lift to take in all the beauty.

View  from our ski lift
Our last big adventure was our trip through Dunns River Falls. We did some wading and hung out while watching some adventure seekers climb the falls. Everyone loved it!

Mandy and Lois chillin in the falls
Sadly the next day we headed back to snowy Minnesota. Our group agreed this was a trip they would remember for a lifetime! 
Good bye, Jamaica!