Friday, March 11, 2011

Arizona Dude Ranch

During this amazing get away our group enjoyed so many new and fun things! They were able to experience life on a  ranch all while enjoying the relaxation of a much needed vacation. The trip started out on Monday, March 7th and was a 5 day trip to a desert paradise.

The group stayed at the Stagecoach Trails Dude Ranch  and everyone loved the scenery!

The group made one day trip to the town of Oakmen about 10 minutes from the ranch. They were able to take part in a re-enactment of an old western shoot out taking place in the middle of the street! Everyone thought that was really neat.  The group also go to feed the "local" donkeys wandering about the town, which was a big highlight!

During their stay, the group enjoyed many day trips on horseback out in the desert.

 Everyone on the vacation talked about how beautiful the sunrises and sun sets were. One vacationer went so far as to say it was "pretty as a picture".

Our group really enjoyed their get away and all said they can't wait for their next LEEP Vacation experience!