Monday, June 20, 2011

Arrowwood Resort Alexandria, Minnesota 2011

This trip allowed us to see different things that the great state of Minnesota had to offer. We traveled up to Alexandria on June 20th, and we came home on June 22. We stayed at a beautiful resort called Arrowwood Resort.
The group standing in front of our lodge.

Donna and Dale posing for a picture.

This was our view from our lodge.

We surprised Joyce with a birthday cake and we were able to  help her celebrate her big day. 
We were able to relax and play some mini golf at our resort as well.

Percy having fun at the Big Splash indoor water park.

This vacation was very relaxing, and it was a fun trip to get us out of Mankato. We were continuously busy so by the final day when we stopped going going going we all slept most of the drive back to Mankato. We will continue to remember and dream about our fun times in Alexandria.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Disneyland, California 2011

This trip led us to Disneyland, California. We left early June 13 and we arrived back in Mankato on June 17.

We spent our day at Disneyland riding rides and checking out all the fun shops.

This is us at Knott's Berry farm, which was another really fun amusement park in Disneyland.

Greg and Barb riding the rides.

We all had a blast is Disneyland where we were able to feel like kids again. It was hard to say goodbye to Disneyland, but we know that its somwhere we want to go back to someday.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Atlanta Georgia 2011

This trip took us all the way to Atlanta, Georgia. We left on June 6 and we were gone for a total of 5 days. Come take a glance at our vacation to Georgia.

Our first night in Atlanta after we got settled into our hotel we decided to walk to the great restaurant called Jalapeno Charlie's.

We kicked off our tours the next day by starting at the Coca Cola factory. We got to see a lot of old Coca Cola collectibles, and browse through many different Coca Cola bottle designs.
We even got to see a 4-D show while touring the Coca Cola factory.

We toured the park where the 1996 Olymic games took place. While here the local Weather Channel interviewed us and asked us questions about what we like to do on warm afternoons.

The next day we toured the Atlanta Zoo, where we had a lot of fun seeing and learning new facts about the animals.

We also went to the Atlanta aquarium. Here we got to see many different kinda of colorful fish.
We had a lot of fun in Georgia, and can't wait to make it back to experience more fun.