Friday, May 15, 2009

Black Hills '09

Day one of our trip to the Black Hills consisted mostly of traveling to the beautiful city. We did stop at the ever famous Wall Drug where several people bought neat souvenirs!! The next day we spent plenty of time looking at and taking pictures of Mt. Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial. We finished the day with some shopping and had an awesome pizza/ pool party.
We also visited reptile gardens saw many various types of the scaly creatures! Some time was spent at the Museum of Geology, the Big Thunger Gold Mine, and even the Everything Prehistoric Museum as well. They were all really neat and we learned a lot about the area and what happened here many, many years ago. Another popular destination was Bear Country to get a glimpse of all the elk, buffalo, and everyone's favorite: the baby bears! That night we got to see the film set of Dancing With the Wolves which was really interesting.
The final day we packed up the van and started our journey back to Mankato stopping at the Corn Palace in Mitchell. Then entire outside of the palace was made of corn, so cool!

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