Monday, June 1, 2009

Washington D.C. '09

Our trip to Washington DC was sure filled with amazing sites to see! Washington DC was jam-packed with information and history to learn, beautiful monuments, and delicious food to eat!
We visited the United States Capital where we got our very own guided tour. We took our first ride on the Metro Train System over to Interpol which is an agency that works on International Crime and has MANY connections all over the world. We were told that our group was the only civilian group that has ever been given a tour of Interpol; usually only FBI and law enforcement officers are allowed in! Before we headed to the hotel we headed to the White House to see where President Obama lives.

The next day we visited the Washington Monument and then caught a bus tour around Washington. We visited Arlington Cemetery, the Vietnam Memorial wall, the Lincoln Memorial, Thomas Jefferson's Memorial, and the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial. After the tour we headed to the Spy Museum, and then headed over to the Pentagon Memorial. What a great end to the day!

The final day we got to go into the Holocaust Museum where we saw and learned many things about the Holocaust, including "Daniel's Story," a walk through that taught us about the Holocaust from a child's point of view. Later on we went to see the Smithsonian Castle and to the Natural Museum of American History. At this museum we saw Dorothy's red ruby slippers from the movie The Wizard of Oz, and also saw the American flag that inspired the writing of the Star Spangled Banner. This trip was filled with fun and we learned so much about the history of our Nation in the process!! We can't wait to be able to go on this trip again!

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