Monday, July 27, 2009

Indianapolis Speedway '09

On this trip traveled to Indianapolis, IN for one of the most exciting races of the NASCAR season! Our trip started with a nice drive across the Midwest en route to our final destination. On our first day in Indianapolis we went to the Brickyard and did a little shopping, ate, and then watched the practice runs. Our group was completely amazed by how fast the cars whipped by! Some of the guys even had their hats blow off in the wind! Day 2 the weather wasn't really cooperating too well so we headed over to the Indianapolis Zoo where the group enjoyed all of the animals and were even brave enough to touch the small sharks in a pool. We also got to watch a few movies in the IMAX theatre which was really cool! On our final day in Indianapolis it was finally time for the big race! We headed over to the Brickyard 500 to see our favorite drivers compete. When the race was over we did a little shopping, took some more pictures, and even kissed the brick finish line like the winning driver does after the race. It was a really great experience and we all agreed we couldn't wait to do something like this again!

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