Monday, July 12, 2010

New York City Vacation

Our latest vacation was to the Big Apple! Our group loaded up the LEEP van and headed for the MSP airport bright and early on July 8th. We got in to NYC mid afternoon and got started sightseeing right away! We headed down the block to Time Square where we began our tour.

Clarence and Jeff enjoying the bus ride

yummy lunch at Famous Daves

The "Ball" that drops in Time Square

Group in the middle of Time Square

View on top of the Empire State Building

Lady Liberty

On our final day in NYC we tried to get on the NBC Today show. We actually did make the background of one of the crowd panning shots. The group was really pumped to see Matt Lauer and Anne Curry up close!

Saying farewell to our favorite city out east. The group all had a blast and said they can't wait to get back there again some day!

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