Friday, May 20, 2011

Black Hills 2011

During this amazing get away our group enjoyed so many new and fun things! They were able to experience South Dakota in many different ways. The trip started out on Monday, May 16 and was a 5 day trip to the Black Hills.

While we were on our way to the black hills we decided to stop in Mitchell, South Dakota to check out the corn palace.

On the first day of touring the group traveled to the National Monument Mount Rushmore. It was a little chilly that day, but seeing the monument was totally worth standing outside in the cold.

 Next stop on our adventure was the Crazy Horse Monument. This is still being built, but we feel special because our donations are helping pay for the construction of this monument.

On our adventure in South Dakota we encountered some icky weather. This picture is of Deb and Phyillis hiding from the rain.

One of our last adventures that we went on was Bear Country USA. We were able to enjoy seeing bears up close and personal while sitting in the safety of our van.

Our trip to South Dakota was a nice 5 day get away from good ol Minnesota, and the group had an amazing time. The group agreed they all wanted to visit South Dakota again in the near future.

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